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Friday 5 July 2013

My week and weekends 1/7/2013 - 8/7/2013

Hi everyone, as you know I'm blogging or should I say typing at the moment feeling bored at the moment so decided to write a post. I wonder what I'm doing for the weekends? I wonder.... Sometimes in the weekends are a surprise because you don't whats going on or what is happening. My mum is not feeling really well at the moment. Why? because she caught a flu. Both of her eyes are smaller than usual especially her left eye. She also has a running nose and her nose is red. Feel SORRY for mum! Will look after you! I will also try not to get to close to you. I don't want the flu too! Hope you feel better soon mum! OK! Back to me and my weekend and my week. My week today was fine. I got a Merit(second to best mark) for Global. Merit is still good. Next week is the last week for term 2. YAY! Can't wait for the 2 weeks school holiday! Oh man.. I need a break for all those assessments! Sneezing at the moment! ACHOO! Don't tell me I caught my mum's flu! I hope not! Ok not sneezing at the moment! Good! OK back to where I was. On Monday this week, I finished my owl that I was making in life tech(fab tech) and it's born in 1st of july ooooo 1st day of july, Tuesday, well still nothing interesting, Wednesday, not really interesting again, Thursday, well there was something cool which was that on Language perfect I got 1000 points and became No. 1 in my class. YAY! and also it was independence day in USA but in USA it would be the day after thursday(for NZ it would be friday and USA would be thursday). Friday, nothing interesting. So my week is a sort of boring week but thats ok. Ok everyone bye!

Thanks for reading my post! (。◕‿◕。)

Any questions or comments? Comment below.


  1. wow '_' what a boring life Jess...
    Your Title should be called:
    Jessica's boring life '_' (LOL sorry)
    But it wasn't that boring.plz visit MY blog.
